Glossary & Definitions

Glossary & Definitions

Common terms used in the Catalog are defined below. Is there something else you would like defined and referenced in this glossary? Please email us at: issues@solutions.dial.community


Change Management is a term used to describe the activities that are undertaken to support users and managers of digital products or sourcing activities, when new products or services are introduced.

Source: DIAL Procurement Glossary

Commercial off-the-shelf software

Any form of technology and data use in any sector, public or private.

Source: UNU-eGOV

The process of managing the lifecycle and associated costs of a digital asset i.e. a digital product that has been acquired by an organisation or department.

Source: DIAL Procurement Glossary

An interconnected web of actors working cross-functionally toward digital inclusion. DIAL recognizes that the digital ecosystem is more complex than this, and that its true promise likely lies in engaging more widely with excluded voices.

Source: Leadership Series Brief #2: Leave No One Behind (LNOB)

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