Suggestions for incoorporating the mockups into the new DIAL brand
The new Marketplace features concepts were created based on the current platform design.
The design’s main purpose is to have a baseline to incorporate into the new DIAL brand and platform layout. The features were created based on the Reference Group Meeting and reflect the needs of the admins and regular users.
Based on the initial Catalog design provided by DIAL (link to the mockups), most of the developed concepts can be merged into the new design. Below you will find suggestions and ideas on incorporating it into the new design:
Comparison tool - the prototype content, layout, and structure can be used in the current form with a refreshment of the components
RFP and Storefront tabs - since the mockups for the new page view are not yet developed, the new design can reflect the features and structure of the new RFP, Storefront pages
About page (Landing page) and new tabs structure - a suggestion of how the whole flow could be displayed, including the introduction, detailed explanation of the Catalog and Marketplace, target groups, and tutorials to help the users learn more about the platform.