Technology and ICT Ministers

Technology and ICT Ministers

Technology and ICT Ministers can use this tool to map systems and applications currently deployed in country to the ICT Building Blocks to understand what other use cases could be supported using their current technology.

Mapping systems to the ICT Building Blocks can also provides a better understanding of what gaps currently exist or opportunities for consolidation.




Challenges/pain points




Challenges/pain points


  • Highly technical

  • In depth knowledge of specific country challenges

  • Identifying the tools needed to accelerate digital transformation in country.

  • Seeing how other countries (both champions and those that are similar in profile) have approached or are approaching digital transformation.

  • Translating technical expertise to other government actors

  • Champion





Technology and ICT Ministers can use this tool to map systems and applications currently deployed in their country to the ICT Building Blocks to understand what other use cases could be supported using their current technology.

Mapping systems to the ICT Building Blocks can also provide a better understanding of what gaps currently exist or opportunities for consolidation.