

We ended last year strong and the 2022.Q4 release for DIAL’s Catalog of Digital Solutions is now live! Our team is super excited for what we have in store for 2023 - stay connected by following our roadmap and signing up for the Catalog newsletter.

Featured Updates

  • Guided product tour - a much requested feature has been added to the Catalog! A guided product walkthrough of the platform is now available for first-time users to help onboard new users, introduce them to the key features and help them get started using it. Many users have requested that they would like to explore the platform independently without relying on lengthy demos or how-to videos, and the product tour is the short and quick helping hand that they may need.

  • Evaluation rubric - the product evaluation rubric is changing and this quarter we have introduced brand new automated indicators that can help users understand the qualities and merits of individual products

  • Playbooks - many new features and updates have been added to the playbooks feature to help users share their how-to guides and best practices in a seamless and intuitive manner. A playbook on Public Procurement of Technology has also been released. It provides a customized framework on best practices and tools to procure digital goods and services, within the framework of national procurement policies and procedures. The guide outlines 14 steps, across four phases, that governments in low resource countries can follow when procuring digital goods and services.

Data improvements




Ticket History




Ticket History


Commercial tools

Added entries on commercial/proprietary tools into the Catalog



Miscellaneous additions

  • Simplified the list of sectors for more intuitive search and filter.

  • Approved several candidate products nominated by users

  • Use cases can now have datasets associated with them and can be saved as a draft.

https://digital-impact-exchange.atlassian.net/browse/CDS-1099 CDS-400: Implement candidate product approval processDone https://digital-impact-exchange.atlassian.net/browse/CDS-1186 CDS-867: Use Case: Allow assigning of datasets Done https://digital-impact-exchange.atlassian.net/browse/CDS-932
Technical improvements




Ticket history




Ticket history


Evaluation rubric

An improved product evaluation rubric was implemented in the following ways:

  • Refined and expanded metrics that are being sourced from GitHub

  • An updated table structure to include existing and new maturity information

  • Language and frameworks that a product is written in is available as a visualization on the product page

  • Functionality includes being able to edit rubric categories on the front end.

  • Added radar visualizations for products automatically rated on more than 3 categories and replace with bar chart for products rated on less than 2 categories.

  • Added structure to allow manual reporting of maturity information

  • Created indicators for “code review” category

  • Metrics have been evaluated and scales and weights have been adjusted

  • The overall category scores are stored in products table and a nightly update sync has been added.

  • Added descriptions and explanations in maturity detail panel

https://digital-impact-exchange.atlassian.net/browse/CDS-12 https://digital-impact-exchange.atlassian.net/browse/CDS-879 https://digital-impact-exchange.atlassian.net/browse/CDS-864 https://digital-impact-exchange.atlassian.net/browse/CDS-1243 https://digital-impact-exchange.atlassian.net/browse/CDS-18 https://digital-impact-exchange.atlassian.net/browse/CDS-865 https://digital-impact-exchange.atlassian.net/browse/CDS-712 https://digital-impact-exchange.atlassian.net/browse/CDS-1166