Sprint 22
Sprint 21
Sprint 20
Sprint 19
- Nyoman Ribeka to upload registry.dump file on confluence every release.
- Steve Conrad to create template for bug reports.
- Steve Conrad to automatize db seeds and rake tasks on dev server.
- @BackendDevs to flag tasks which are waiting for code review.
Sprint 18
- Steve Conrad to create a cron job on developer instance to run all rake tasks.
- Rafał Stencel (Deactivated) to prepare all information about writing unit tests for header menu.
- Rafał Stencel (Deactivated) Verify whether radar chart works fine for cases with less than 3 categories, if not come up with an alternative.
- Nikola Laskowska (Deactivated) Verify whether separator localization is hard-coded or dependent on system settings (ex 0.5 or 0,5).
Sprint 17
- Steve Conrad to update to use schema rather than migration, remove migrations at each quarterly release. Document the updated process.
- Rafał Stencel (Deactivated) to create a backlog task to check what can be done regarding snapshots failing due to animations of dialog component.
Sprint 16
- Nikola Laskowska (Deactivated) update readme with info how to dump sql schema
- backend devs - discuss logs improvements
Sprint 14
- Steve Conrad - Set up another server as a test instance to run pipelines and E2E tests
- Steve Conrad - Investigate ways to run pipelines simultaneously
- Nyoman Ribeka - Create a ticket and remove javascripts tests on rails app.
Sprint 13
- @team to put more emphasis on ticket dependencies during Sprint Planning
- @team to use Monday and/or Tuesday (review/planning) as buffer day
- Nikola Laskowska (Deactivated) to adjust daily meetings time
Sprint 12
- Steve Conrad add automatic redeployment to dev instance
Sprint 11
- Sarah Farooqi, Steve Conrad to try to split tasks under the Epic level a bit more (= try to avoid creating subtasks, use other level of task hierarchy to provide task granularity)
- @development-team to flag tasks on Jira board which need PO’s attention
- alternative: create & update a Q&A page with link to current questions (Jira issue/comment link)
- Look more at team’s capacity (backend and frontend separately), during Sprint Planning a bit more rigorously
Sprint 10
- Paweł Gesek to investigate the possibility to mock backend with Cypress in order to make the split between backend and frontend even more seamless
- Rafał Stencel (Deactivated) to update frontend module’s README with a short description on how snapshots work
- Paweł Gesek to shorten build timeout to ~10/15 mins
- Steve Conrad to create a task in Jira for Rails clean-up - removing unused methods from controllers, tests and gems
- Steve Conrad to add a job to GitLab to deploy to dev server after each merge to development branch
- Nyoman Ribeka to explore possibilities to block merging on GitLab i.e. all threads must be resolved before merging is enabled
Sprint 9
- All - think about how we can highlight blocking issues or issues that need immediate attention - maybe developers channel?
- Steve ConradPaweł Gesek - nightly dev server redeployment
Sprint 8
- Steve Conrad to start the review with sprint goal overview
- @developers to show the Jira issue before showcasing the work done to help reviewers gather context
- Sarah Farooqi to explicitly add a “Sprint Goal” to Jira for each sprint during Sprint Planning meeting
- Nyoman Ribeka / Steve Conrad to think about introducing auto-deployment to dev server
- Sarah Farooqi, Steve Conrad to add only those tasks to sprint which are in scope of Sprint Goal and match the team’s velocity
Sprint 7
- Steve Conrad to create a task in backlog to update New Developer Guide and README files
- Steve Conrad to deploy changes merged into development branch to the dev instance before Sprint Review meetings so that the changes can be showcased on that instance